Friday, September 24, 2010

Not much going on...

     Not a whole lot going on lately. I's not like I'm gonna go to the doctor's office and she's gonna say, "Surprise! You don't have diabetes anymore!" I wish, but I know it's not happening. One thing that's kind of random that I've noticed, I have a friend who always flinches and says 'ow' or 'yeesh!' or something like that whenever I test my blood or give myself a shot with the pen. And I really don't like it. Because first off, it doesn't hurt that bad, and second...I don't know... just because I don't like it. I guess it's like, "do you know how much worse this would suck if I acted like that? And you're not even the one gettin' stabbed!"
Obviously this isn't a big deal. It's just a small diabetes related pet peeve I've discovered.

So, I'm annoyed that I missed diabetes art day. I'm actually still planning on doing a few peices that I've had bouncing around inside my head. I'll get to them...someday.

Also, today I've started an eggsperiment.
Eggs always seem like a good thing to eat because they're like 1 carb each and two of them is enough to feel like I actually have something in my stomach. I like scrambled eggs, fried eggs, boiled eggs are tolerable. But today, as I was making a couple fried eggs, I opened the cupboard to get out salt and pepper when I noticed the other neglected-looking spices. So I grabbed a bottle of cinnamon and patted out a dash or two over my eggs.
The result? A nice hint of...difference. I didn't add a lot, so it wasn't overpowering, but there were bites that just had a subtle mmmmm in the taste. I also salted and peppered them like normal. The smell from the cinnamon eggs made me think of holidays, but since I didn't add any sugar the taste of the eggs when finished was, like I said, different. And nice.

So now I'm on a quest to try out as many new spices on eggs as possible and find the best ones.